Varelen Electric Co., Ltd

What is the transformer excitation inrush current?


What is the transformer excitation inrush current?

Transformer excitation inrush current, just listen to the name feels very complicated, it has another name "closing inrush current", is the transformer in the no-load closing moment, that is, just start to work or reconnect to the power supply, its winding suddenly produced a large current phenomenon. In popular terms, just like the high-power appliances in our homes (such as air conditioners) when starting, because the components such as coils and magnets inside the equipment need to quickly reach the working state, it will temporarily consume a lot of current. Transformer inrush current is a similar principle, but occurs in the core and winding of the transformer. This current is a special current phenomenon in the early stage of transformer operation.

Causes of transformer excitation inrush current

The residual flux is superimposed with the working flux

We know that the transformer core itself is magnetic conductive, and there is a hysteresis property inside the core material, that is, under the action of alternating magnetic fields, the process of magnetization and demagnetization will occur in the core. Before the transformer is put into operation, there may be residual magnetic flux in its core. What is residual flux?

Residual magnetic flux refers to the residual magnetic flux in the transformer core and coil after the AC power supply is interrupted. This is because when the transformer is working normally, the core will be magnetized, and when the power is cut off, the magnetization will not immediately disappear, but will retain a part of the magnetic flux.

When the transformer is put into operation, the magnetic flux generated by the operating voltage and the remaining magnetic flux in the core are in the same direction, and the two will be superimposed, resulting in the total magnetic flux far exceeding the saturated magnetic flux of the core.

Core saturation

If the total magnetic flux after stacking exceeds the maximum that the core can withstand (saturation magnetic flux), the core will be like "full" and cannot absorb any more magnetic flux. At this time, a very large current will be generated, that is, the excitation inrush current.

The size of the excitation inrush current is also related to the power supply voltage and the initial phase Angle of closing, the core flux value and the remanent direction before closing, the equivalent impedance value of the system and the phase Angle, the wiring mode of the transformer winding and the neutral point grounding mode, the magnetization characteristics and hysteresis characteristics of the core material, the core structure type, and the process assembly level.

The characteristics of transformer excitation inrush current

Large peak: the peak of the excitation inrush current can reach 6-8 times the rated current of the transformer, or even higher. This means that at the moment the transformer is turned on, it may experience a very large current shock.

Fast attenuation: Although the peak of the excitation inrush current is large, it will decay quickly. The attenuation time of a large capacity transformer may be as long as 5-10 seconds, while a small capacity transformer may only take about 0.2 seconds.

Contains complex components: the excitation inrush current not only contains normal AC current components, but also contains DC components and higher harmonic components. These components complicate the waveform of the inrush current.
Hazard of transformer excitation inrush current
The inrush current will cause the core saturation and secondary voltage explosion of the transformer, which will lead to the deterioration of the transformer insulation performance and may lead to equipment failure.
The inrush current may cause the transformer core temperature to rise, the winding wire, the oil tank wall and other metal components to produce eddy current loss, resulting in the transformer overheating, insulation aging, affect the transformer life.
High amplitude inrush current will directly cause physical damage to the transformer and circuit breaker, and may even burn the equipment.
How to restrain transformer inrush current
Suppression of inrush current is an important measure to ensure the stable operation of transformers and power systems. The transformer inrush current can be suppressed by the following measures:
1. Use an exciting motor: An exciting motor is a method of providing steady-state power to a transformer through its rotor. Because the excitation motor has the inertia of the rotor, the rise rate of the excitation current can be slowed down.
2. Increase the excitation resistance of the transformer: Increasing the appropriate resistance in the excitation circuit of the transformer can limit the rapid rise of the excitation current.
3. The introduction of transformer anti-inrush current measures: by increasing anti-inrush current circuits, such as reactors, capacitors, etc., to reduce the impact of excitation inrush current on equipment, effectively absorb and consume inrush current energy, and protect the safety of transformers and power grids.
4. The use of closing bias and transformer remanence offset each other: by controlling the direction and size of closing bias, so that it and transformer remanence offset each other, avoid transformer core saturation, thereby inhibiting the generation of excitation inrush current.
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